Extent of the Oil Climate Project’s outreach
The Oil Climate Project (OCP) and its working components, notably the Oil Climate Index, have been cited widely as the basis for energy-related policies both nationally and internationally. See the map below for the extent of the OCP’s impact.
Collaborating with NASA
Informing California Decisionmaking
The OCI offers insights to California policymakers and civil society actors, identifying GHG-intensive oil and gas operations and what can be done to reduce their climate impacts.
The OCI is being used by NASA scientists to reconcile methane emissions from oil and gas well blow outs and identify areas of opportunity for future satellite observations of the oil and gas sector.
The Know Your Oil Act
The OCI formed the basis for Congressional legislation, Know Your Oil Act, sponsored by California representative Jared Huffman.
China’s petcoke import ban
OCI results and a report on China’s petroleum coke problem informed China’s ban on imports of high-sulfur petcoke from the United States.
IEA World Energy Outlook
The OCI was used to inform a chapter on the carbon footprints of diverse oil resources in the International Energy Agency’s 2018 World Energy Outlook.
India’s bans burning of petroleum coke
Norway reconciles industry and climate goals
Congressional testimony for lifting oil export ban
OCI findings informed India’s ban nationwide on the burning of petcoke, an oil by-product more dirty than coal.
Norway used findings from the OCI to reconcile a discrepancy between its oil operations and climate commitments.
City of Long Beach oil and gas extraction
This analysis combined information from Oil Climate Index and the Low Carbon Fuel Standard Regulation to develop a lifecycle emissions factor for crude oil that approximates emissions for the Long Beach oil fields.
Characterizing U.S. methane emissions
Principal Investigator Debbie Gordon provided input to the Committee on Anthropogenic Methane Emissions in the United States and its report in The National Academies Press.